Welcome Therapists


“Explanation is Less Powerful in Creating Change than Experience,” Dr. Sue Johnson

Learn EFT for couples through first-hand experience with your partner during one of our standard Hold Me Tight®Portland workshops.

You and your partner will attend one of our regular Hold Me Tight®Portland workshops along with ordinary couples working to improve their relationship.

In the process, you’ll gain the full relationship benefits of our Hold Me Tight®Portland workshops including:

  • Felt knowledge of the integration of Attachment Theory & how it affects your relationship
  • You and your partner’s positions in your Relationship Cycle
  • How your raw spots feel when they are hit and produce your rocky moments
  • How a Hold Me Tight® conversation should feel between partners
  • What powerful apologies and forgiveness feels like
  • How your emotional cycle affects your sexual cycle
  • Practical rituals for nurturing your relationship

Then take all this felt knowledge right into your own practice, applying it immediately to your work helping your clients. 

Experience our well-honed Hold Me Tight®Portland Couples Workshop for yourself as both a learning experience and a relationship experience. EFT is endorsed by the American Psychological Association as scientifically proven and widely heralded as one of the most successful approaches to creating loving relationships and lasting bonds.

Noah and Laurel will guide you and your partner through facilitated conversations, video presentations, guided exercises and “one-on-one” discussions, to help you reconnect and transform your relationship.  And you’ll learn by doing along the way.


Register for Hold Me Tight® Portland  


We Appreciate Your Referrals!

Therapists have been trusting us with their clients to give their clients’ relationships the boost they need and give them the skills that will make their ongoing therapy much more effective.

If you have any questions, or if your clients have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us »

Assisting at Hold Me Tight Portland

If you have attended the EFT Externship and would like to immerse yourself in a weekend of EFT, we would love to have you come assist at the workshop.  Assistants will guide couples in the break-out session as they work through the material, begin to have vulnerable conversations and build intimacy in the relationship. 

Therapists, get our 5 Steps to De-Escalating High Conflict Couples

Plus get additional tips, workshop updates, helpful resources, and more.

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